dew point

What is Relative Humidity, Absolute Humidity and Dew Point?

What is Relative Humidity, Absolute Humidity and Dew Point?

Humidity can be measured in several ways: either by relative humidity, absolute humidity or dew point.  But what is the difference? In this post we try to explain the different ways of measuring humidity. 

Providing a Low Humidity Environment for Transformer Repair

Providing a Low Humidity Environment for Transformer Repair

Our client was required to carry out maintenance on specialised transformers. To complete this maintenance work, a temperature specific, very low humidity environment was required to maintain the integrity of the transformers. 
Equipment such as transformers need to be kept in a low humidity environment for any repairs and maintenance. Accordingly, Air Solutions sister company in Australia have supplied desiccant dehumidifiers to control humidity levels inside of purpose built maintenance buildings.